

Big Planet Recruiting logo

We value our candidates at Big Planet, it’s always our intent to be helpful, professional and find you that perfect job.

  • There is no hard sell at Big Planet, rather a symbiotic relationship where we help each other achieve common goals to help you find the right opportunities for your career. We offer a comprehensive recruitment experience, with every candidate getting a response once you have sent your CV.

  • We cater for a wide range of clients through our multi-lingual staff, and work 24/7, being available whenever our candidates or clients need us, what-ever the time zone. 

  • We are a global agency operating internationally, with 40+ clients in UK, throughout Europe, Asia and North America. We have just the job, opportunity, vacancies and placement for you, just ask.

  • Our values include respect, integrity, honesty and openness. We don’t believe in spamming, poaching, no dirty tricks.

  • We bring mature life skills to our approach and treat people like human beings, not names on a CV.

Vacancies by sector



Get in Touch

phone: +44 7584 025270

email: info@big-planet.biz

cvs: cvs@big-planet.biz
